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Structural Vigor Comparison of a CNG Cylinder with Different Material Cull

Suraj Singh


The present research deals with the structural analysis of a CNG cylinder being utilized in conveyances as fuel source. The portable CNG cylinders are being utilized in conveyances due to their preponderation in vigor, weight advantage, and lower engenderment costs. A design of cylinder is first presented for which the research is performed. Then, a finite element model of the vessel is utilized to estimate whether the current design has adequate resistance to the internal pressures that could be encountered in authentic conditions. The comparative analysis is done with two different materials of structural steel and aluminium in Ansys workbench. The stress, deformation and strain contours are represented with analysis and the overall research concludes with a subsidiary result for CNG cylinder design and its analysis. 

Cite this Article Suraj Singh. Structural Vigor Comparison of a CNG Cylinder with Different Material Cull. Trends in Mechanical Engineering & Technology. 2016; 6(2): 81–88p. 


CNG cylinder, stress, strain, deformation, Ansys

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