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Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices Using Quantum Inspired Evolutionary Programming

Arman Riaz Ochi, Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Bashudeb Chandra Ghosh


Quantum Inspired Evolutionary Programming (QIEP) is an optimization technique that combines the benefits of quantum computing and evolutionary algorithms together. In this paper this technique is used to find optimal allocation of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices. The results are compared with the results found from genetic algorithms (GAs). Based on the results it can be concluded that QIEP technique is better than GAs.



Keywords: QIEP, quantum computing, evolutionary algorithms, FACTS devices, optimization

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Ochi AR, Mannan MA, Ghosh BC. Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices Using Quantum Inspired Evolutionary Programming. Trends in Electrical Engineering (TEE). 2015; 5(1): 23–27p.

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