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Research and Industrial Insight: Toxicology

Himani Pandey


Toxicology (from the Antediluvian Greek words toxikos means "poisonous" and logos means study) is a subdivision of biology, chemistry, and medicine (clearly defining pharmacology) concerned with the study of the deleterious effects of chemicals on living organisms. It supplementally studies the deleterious effects of chemical, biological and physical agents in biological systems that establish the extent of damage in living organisms. The relationship between dose and its effects on the exposed organism is of high paramountcy in toxicology. The factor that influences chemical toxicity comprises of dosage (acute or chronic), the route of exposure, the species, age, sex and environment.  Unpropitious effects may occur in many forms, ranging from immediate death to subtle changes not realized until months or years later. They may occur at sundry levels within the body, such as an organ, a type of cell, or a categorical biochemical. Cognizance of how toxic agents damage the body has progressed along with medical erudition. It is now kenned that sundry overt transmutations in anatomy or body functions authentically result from antecedently unrecognized transmutations in categorical biochemicals in the body. Toxicology is the scientific discipline involved with the detection, evaluation and obviation of the toxic effects of substances that humans are exposed to. It has a key role in the development of incipient drugs, which are evaluated for potential toxic effects in preclinical studies, clinical tribulations and post-marketing studies with the aim of ascertaining that their benefits outweigh their own threats. 


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