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Minimal Invasive Approach in Periodontal Therapy: A Review

Kunal Keshaw Ojha, Pushpa Pudalkatti, Anita Raikar, Gunjan Richa, Ancia Vas


Minimally invasive periodontal treatment procedures are mostly confined within the context of periodontal surgery and aim to perform less extensive surgical manipulation, leading to reduced level of pain and discomfort. It also prevents the delirious esthetic changes that could occur with the conventional surgical approaches. This review deals with the ground understanding of minimally invasive periodontal therapy inculcating the regenerative potential at the confined site, when performed. Many studies reveal that the microsurgical access flap, in terms of MIPS, has a high potential to seal the healing wound from the contaminated oral environment by achieving and maintaining primary closure. Soft tissues are preserved to avoid recession and this stands upon the aesthetic demands of both the patient and the clinician. However, larger studies are required to confirm and extend the reported positive preliminary outcomes.



Keywords: MIPS, surgery, treatment procedures

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Kunal Keshaw, Pushpa Pudalkatti, Anita Raikar et al. Minimal Invasive Approach in Periodontal Therapy: A Review. Research & Reviews: Journal of Dentistry. 2016; 7(3): 13–17p.

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