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Detection of Tannerella Forsythia by Pocket-out Method in Chronic Periodontitis Patients

A. Nayak, PK. Bankur, R. Nayak, M. Kudalkar


The outcome of microbiological diagnostics may depend upon the sampling techniques. The aim of the study was to detect using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the presence of Tannerella forsythia (T. forsythia) in chronic periodontitis patients by pocket-out sampling technique, to compare the pocket-out and curette method as sampling techniques for detection of T. forsythia in chronic periodontitis patients using PCR. A total of 27 adult patients, 30–65 years of age with chronic periodontitis were recruited for the study. Pooled plaque samples collected using pocket-out and curette technique were subjected to a PCR analysis. The results from both curette and pocket-out collection methods were evaluated by gamma and kendall’s tau-b measures of association and by cohen’s weighted kappa coefficient. T. forsythia was successfully detected in 62.96 % of periodontitis patients by both sampling techniques. Sampling technique using curette detected T. forsythia in 37.03 % of cases as compared to the pocket-out technique which identified T. forsythia in 33.33 %. The exact match was seen in 7.40 % of cases. The results of this study showed that T. forsythia was detected in 9 patients when pocket-out sampling technique was used. T. forsythia was detected in approximately 10 patients when curette sampling was done. T. forsythia was identified using PCR by both sampling techniques in two patients. The exact match was seen only in 7.40 % of patients, inferring an overall agreement of only 44 % suggesting a weak association. Though not statistically significant, results of the pocket-out technique have a promising place in microbiological diagnostics.


Keywords: PCR, chronic periodontitis, sampling method, Tannerella forsythia


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A. Nayak, PK. Bankur, R. Nayak et al. Detection of Tannerella Forsythia by Pocket-out Method in Chronic Periodontitis Patients. Research and Reviews: Journal of Dentistry. 2016; 7(1): 1–6p.

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