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Preventive Approaches in Endodontic Treatment

Paul J. Flaer


This manuscript is a review of conservative and preventive approaches to restoration of teeth during and after endodontic procedures (serving to protect them from fracture or recurrent caries). These approaches overcome major barriers in restoring cosmetics and function to the dentition. Forces during condensation of gutta percha, post placement, traumatic occlusion, and recurrent caries are major causes of failure associated with endodontic therapy. A large number of endodontically treated teeth never receive a final restoration and therefore are highly subject to fracture or recurrent decay. Strong provisional restorations and concomitant fluoride release from the use of glass ionomer cements protects tooth structure throughout endodontic treatment. In the “preventive approach” to endodontic therapy, the protection of unsupported tooth structure spans from the initial access opening at the emergency appointment to the placement of the final restoration.


Keywords: Endodontic therapy, fracture prevention, occlusion, provisional restoration

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Flaer Paul J. Preventive approaches in endodontic treatment. Research and Reviews: Journal of Dentistry (RRJoD). 2015: 6(2): 26–31p.

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