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Safe Practices: Sterilization and Disinfection in Orthodontics: A Review

Ajay Thoma, Mandvi Paliwal, Esmael Muze, Mulatu Zewdu


Sterilization is a process by which an article, surface or medium is freed of all microorganisms either in vegetative or spore state. Disinfection is the process of destroying or inhibiting most pathogenic microorganisms and inactivating some viruses, hence reducing microbial contamination to safety levels. To prevent the cross infection which spreads through the different types of instruments used during orthodontic management is of outmost importance as a preventive measure. The rate at which newer strains evolve with time and older strains develop resistance, sterilization in dentistry is challenging through time and in the years to come. The article reviews the various methods of sterilization by focusing on the guidelines for an effective and efficient orthodontic practice.



Keywords: Orthodontic pliers, sterilization and disinfection methods

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Thoma. Ajay, Paliwal Mandvi, Muje Esmael et al.  Safe Practices: Sterilization and Disinfection in Orthodontics – A Review. Research and Reviews: Journal of Dentistry (RRJoD). 2015; 6(2): 32–38p.

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