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Design and Development of Power Saving Generation using Conveyor Belt

Akshay Mohale, Aabasaheb Kurund, Nikhil Jadhav, D.R. More


This paper represents the “power saving and generation using conveyor belt”. As electricity prices continue to rise the increasing need of energy management; requires better understanding of models for energy-consuming applications, such as conveyor belts. Our team chooses to research the flexibility in power saving and generation using conveyor belt with different type of applications. Conveyor belts are used in wide range of industries, including power generation, mining and mineral processing. This model consists of LDR, rpm sensor, and rpm control circuit which controls the speed of the motor driving the conveyor. The object sensors which detect the objects send signal to the motor driving circuit to on/off the motor. It provides many advantages over conventional relay type of control, including increased reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, communication capability and faster response time. This paper is based on systematic conveyor controller to control the speed of conveyor belt. That’s why power saving and generation is possible.

Keywords: LDR, Geared DC motor, sensors, power saving, conveyor belt

Cite this Article:

Akshay Mohale, Aabasaheb Kurund, Nikhil Jadhav et al. Design and Development of Power Saving Generation using Conveyor Belt. Journal of Power Engineering & Power Systems. 2017; 7(1): 18–21p.

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