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Novel Approach for Automated Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy

Manmohan S. Chachan, Vijay G. Savani


Automated and early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy is a crucial need. Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the major cause of blindness among people. DR is a progressive disease classified according to the presence of various clinical abnormalities. It doesn’t have any visible symptoms till the disease is at late stage. Therefore, it necessary to detect DR at early stage and to ensure proper treatment. For early detection of DR, different automated diagnosis systems have been designed. A number of studies have investigated DR and this paper presents novel approach for automated diagnosis of DR which is implemented with the help of contour detection algorithm in OpenCV and Raspberry Pi used as hardware.


Keywords: Retina, retinopathy, blood vessels, diabetes, biomedical imaging, Euler number, computer aided diagnosis, medical image processing, feature extraction, eye, contour detection


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Chachan Manmohan S , Savani Vijay G. Novel Approach for Automated Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy. Journal of Electronic Design and Technology. 2016; 7(1): 9–13p.

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