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Indicating Human Activity Intensity using Accelerometer

Shalima Mehta, Jaspal Singh



In this paper, we propose to develop a system that senses the human activity and indicates the intensity of action performed. Intention is to broadly classify human as inactive, underactive, overactive and hyperactive by simply turning on the LED of the system corresponding to the data received on the controller from ADXL345. The focus is on the fact that energy expenditure is related to the sum of integral of values of each axes of a tri-axial accelerometer. The objective is to know the activity intensity in terms of comparison and not as exact value. This simplifies our approach and also reduces the cumbersome algorithms used in Human activity recognition (HAR) based energy calculating systems. Indication of activeness and inactiveness of an individual is a multidisciplinary field finding application in more ways than one.


Keywords: Sensor, microcontroller, activity intensity, indication, threshold, energy expenditure, human activity



sensor, microcontroller, activity intensity, indication, threshold, energy expenditure, human activity

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