Effect of Olive Leaves Extract on Inflammatory Cyclooxygenase (COX) Levels in High Fat Diet (HFD) Induced Diabetic Animals

Satya Narayana K, Sravanthi KOOR A, G.T. Sivarajasundari, Anand Shaker IVVALA


Development of diabetes and its complications are associated with persistent inflammatory activity. It has been suggested that cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-mediated pathway involved in this inflammatory process in diabetes. For example, thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) released by platelets and monocytes due to the action of COX-1 and COX-2, respectively. They are important prostanoids involved in thrombosis and atherosclerosis development in diabetic condition, this also have been proved in our earlier studies, now we aimed to identify the therapeutical considerations for the inflammatory COX pathway. There is a scarcity of the studies on anti-inflammatory effect of olive leaf extract   so we have chosen the Olive leaf extract for this study.Albino Wistar rats were divided into four groups (1.Control, 2.Control + Olive Leaf extract, 3.High fat diet induced Diabetes, 4.HFD + Olive leaf extract) and diet has been supplied according the group. Whole blood sample was collected after 9 weeks of experimental period. A part of blood sample was used for biochemical parameters and another part of blood was collected for blood cell (platelet and monocyte) isolation. Decreased COX I expression in platelets  & COX II expression in monocytes were observed in High fat diet induced diabetic animals when compared with control animals. However, olive leaf extract treatment to High fat diet induced diabetic animals restored the aforementioned parameters to normal level when compared with control.To the best of our knowledge anti-inflammatory activity of Olive leaf extract has been noticed by very few studies, but where they failed to elucidate the mechanism of COX mediated anti-inflammation. In this study, we have proved and elucidated the molecular mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity of olive leaf extract. 


cyclooxygenase (COX), olive leaf extract (OLE), HFD- high fat diet

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