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A Descriptive Approach on the Relationship between Facebook and the Well-Being of Undergraduate College Students, Mekelle, Ethiopia

Kidane Tadesse, Rahul Krishnan Kutty, Kshtrashal Singh


In recent years, online social-networking sites have achieved notable popularity among college students. Online social networking sites, such as Facebook, Google+, and Bebo, have grown popularity in recent years and they provide an exciting new area of study in the field of psychology. A survey study under descriptive research, the populations included in the study were undergraduate’s students (N= 400) from different Departments of Mekelle University, Ethiopia, Male 232(58%) and female 168(42%) of same age group, who have been using Facebook for more than 6 months. The current study which shows there is a significant relationship between Facebook and self-esteem of college students in Mekelle, Ethiopia. Our data suggests Mean number of FB friends 545+290 SD and Min=109 and Max=1674. Mean on FB last week 11.7+6.3 and Min=1 and Max=32 and the magnitude of low self-esteem is 24.3%. The findings of study concluded that as the year of studies (duration of the stay of students in the campus) increases in University, the influence of Facebook increases and the self-esteem becomes good to low.

Keywords: Facebook, self-esteem, psychology, population study, relationship

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Kidane Tadesse, Rahul Krishnan Kutty, Kshtrashal Singh. A Descriptive Approach on the Relationship between Facebook and the Well-Being of Undergraduate College Students, Mekelle, Ethiopia. Omniscience: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 2016; 6(2): 1–7p.

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